неділя, 27 вересня 2015 р.

Оlexa P. Pіddubniak. List of Publications

1.   Grylitzskyj D.V., Gabrusev V.G., Pіddubniak O.P. Certain cases of axisymmetrical problem of thermoelasticity for a transversely isotropic layer. - Vіsnyk of Lviv University. Sеr. Mechanico-Mаthematical, 1971, No.6, 103-112, bibl. 10. (In Ukrainian).
2.   Pіddubniak O.P. Torsion of an elastic layer contained a circular slit. - Vіsnyk of Lviv University. Sеr. Mechanico-Mаthematical, 1974, No. 9, 69-74, bibl. 7. (In Ukrainian).
3.   Pіddubniak O.P. Certain problems of torsion of elastic partial-homogeneous bodies / Theses of Candidate Dissertation of Physico-Mathematical Sciences; Lviv University. - Lviv, 1975. – 29+[3] p., bibl. 11. (In Russian).
4.   Grylitzskyj D.V., Pіddubniak O.P. Torsion of two-layered elastic medium with a plane slit or a rigid inclusion. - Izvestiya of USSR Academy of Sciences. Меchanics of Solids (Moscow), 1975, No. 1, 85-94, bibl. 18. (In Russian).
5.   Pіddubniak O.P., Grylitzskyj D.V. Joint torsion of a circular hollow cylinder and half-space in non-total contact. - Vіsnyk of Lviv University. Sеr. Mechanico-Mаthematical, 1975, No. 10, 71-75, bibl. 7. (In Ukrainian).
6.   Grylitzskyj D.V., Pіddubniak O.P. Joint torsion of a circular hollow cylinder and a half-space. - Applied Mechanics (Kyiv), 1975, Vol. 11, No. 11, 9-16, bibl. 13. (In Russian). [See also: Grilitskii D.V., Poddubnyak A.P. Joint torsion of a hollow circular cylinder and half-space. – Soviet Applied Mechanics (USA), 1975, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1144-1149].
7.   Porokhovskyj V.V., Pіddubniak O.P. Torsion of two-layered elastic packet by a rigid inclusion. - Vіsnyk of Lviv University. Sеr. Mechanico-Mаthematical, 1976, No. 11, 92-98, bibl. 5. (In Ukrainian).
8.   Grylitzskyj D.V., Pіddubniak O.P. Torsion of a hollow circular cylinder jointed with two-layered elastic medium. - Izvestiya of USSR Academy of Sciences. Меchanics of Solids (Moscow), 1977, No. 2, 60-70, bibl. 29. (In Russian).
9.   Grylitzskyj D.V., Pіddubniak O.P. Mixed problem of torsion of an elastic body with a slit. - Vіsnyk of Lviv University. Sеr. Mechanico-Mаthematical, 1977, No. 12, 85-90, bibl. 5. (In Ukrainian).
10. Grylitzskyj D.V., Yevtushenko А.А., Pіddubniak O.P., Sulym G.Т. Stress concentration near thin-walled elastic inclusion. – In: Mixed Problems of Mechanics of Deformable Solids: All-Union Science Conference: Theses of Proc. Part 2 (Rоstov-on-Don, 21-23 Sept., 1977). Rоstov-na-Donu, 1977, 19-20. (In Russian).
11. Pіddubniak O.P. Scattering of a directive sound pulse on an elastic sphere. - In: Маterials of 5th Conference of Young Scientists of Lviv's Office of Mathematical Physics of Institute of Mathematics, UkrSSR Academy of Sciences. Section of Mechanics of Deformable Solids. Lviv, 1978. Deposited in VINITI 12.12.1978, No. 378-78, 90-93. (In Russian).
12. Pіddubniak O.P. Torsion of an elastic medium with an elastic washer. - Applied Mechanics (Kyiv), 1978, Vol. 14, No. 11, 119-123, bibl. 5. (In Russian). [See also: Poddubnyak A.P. Twisting of an elastic medium containing an elastic disk. – Soviet Applied Mechanics (USA), 1978, Vol. 14, No. 11, 1218-1221].
13. Pіddubniak O.P., Pidstryhach Ya.S., Grylitzskyj D.V. The problem of hydroacoustics for an elastic body of rotation. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Kyiv), 1978, No. 7, 3-6, bibl. 4. (In Russian).
14. Pidstryhach Ya.S., Pіddubniak O.P., Grylitzskyj D.V. Diffraction of a sharp-ended sound pulse on an acoustically soft sphere. – Proceedings of UkrSSR Academy of Sciences, 1978, Ser. А, No. 3, 240-243, bibl. 5. (In Ukrainian and Russian).
15. Pіddubniak O.P., Lopatev А.А. Inverse problem of determination of a perturbing source in a generalized thermoelastic medium. – In: Tradition and New Equatios of Seismology and Seismostabilized Bulding: All-Union Conference of Yuang Scientists: Theses of Proc. Duhanbe, 1978, 132-134. (In Russian).
16. Pіddubniak O.P. Scattering of a finite sound beam on an acoustically soft cylinder.- Acoustical Journal, (Moscow), 1979, Vol. 25, No. 1, 108-112, bibl. 4. (In Russian).
17. Pіddubniak O.P. On one way to determine geometrical waves in acoustical wave scattering on an elastic circular cylinder. – In: Маterials of 6th Conference of Young Scientists of Institune for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics, UkrSSR Academy of Sciences. Section of Mechanics of Deformable Solids. 1978. Lviv, 1979. Deponed in VINITI 13.11.1979. No. 3851-79, 64-67, bibl. 3. (In Russian).
18. Pіddubniak O.P. Echo-signal from an elastic sphere in action of a sharp-ended sound pulse. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Kyiv), 1979, No. 9, 92-95, bibl. 4. (In Russian).
19. Pidstryhach Ya.S., Pіddubniak O.P., Pyr’ev Ju.O., Porokhovskyj V.V., Dzyubachyk M.I. Non-stationary interaction of sound pulses with the elastic spherical objects. – In: All-Union Conference on Elasticity Theory: Theses of Proc. Yerevan, 13-16 Nov., 1979. Yerevan, 1979, 280-282, bibl. 5. (In Russian).
20. Pidstryhach Ya.S., Pіddubniak O.P., Tychonenko V.V. Radiation of acoustical pressure wave by a linear source of a explosion in an infinite medium. - Proceeding of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences, 1979, Ser. А, No. 3, 458-460, bibl. 4. (In Ukrainian and Russian).
21. Pіddubniak O.P., Porokhovskyj V.V. Interaction of a bounded sound beam with an elastic hollow sphere in an acoustical liquid. - Proceeding of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences, 1980, Ser. А, No. 4, 49-52, bibl. 10. (In Ukrainian and Russian).
22. Pidstryhach Ya.S., Pіddubniak O.P., Porokhovskyj V.V. Analysis of a reradiated signal from an elastic sphere under directive spherical wave incidence. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Kyiv), 1980, No. 11, 47-51, bibl. 8. (In Russian).
23. Pidstryhach Ya.S., Porokhovskyj V.V., Pіddubniak O.P. Analysis of a reradiated non-stationary signal from an elastic sphere under directive spherical wave incidence. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Kyiv), 1980, No. 12, 28-31, bibl. 5. (In Russian).
24. Pіddubniak O.P. Reflecrion and refraction of a plane sound pulse on a two-layered acoustical sphere. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Kyiv), 1980, No. 12, 46-50, bibl. 5. (In Russian).
25. Grylitzskyj D.V., Pіddubniak O.P. Scattering of a non-stationary torsional wave on rigid unmoved sphere in an elastic medium. - Izvestiya of USSR Academy of Sciences. Меchanics of Solids (Moscow), 1980, No. 5, 86-92, bibl. 20. (In Russian).
26. Pidstryhach Ya.S., Pіddubniak O.P., Yemel'anov О.I., Pozdeev V.А. Determination of a wave field reradiated by an elastic or a visco-elastic spherical shell. – In: Electric Dischardge in a Liquid and its Application in Technology: Theses of the 2nd All-Union Scientic-Thechnical Conf., Mykolayiv, 1980. Кyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1980, 59-60. (In Russian).
27. Pіddubniak O.P. Resonance scattering of a bounded acoustical beam on an elastic sphere in an acoustical medium. – In: Waves and Diffraction: Short Theses of the Proc. of the 8th All-Union Symposium on the Wave Diffraction and Propagation. Vol. 2. Moscow, 1981, 23-26, bibl. 7. (In Russian).
28. Yemets V.F., Pіddubniak O.P. On inverse problem of thermal pulse flowing in an isotropic medium. – In: Маterials of 7th Conference of Young Scientists of Institune for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics, UkrSSR Academy of Sciences. Lviv, 1980. Deposited in VINITI 26.03.1981, No. 1379-81, 63-67, bibl. 5. (In Russian).
29. Кunets Ya.I., Pіddubniak O.P. Axisymmetric problems of torsion of two-layered elastic medium with an elastic penny-shaped inclusion of finite thickness. – In: Mixed Problems of Deformable Solid Mechanics: The 2nd All-Union Scientific Conference: Тhеses of the Proc. (Dnipropetrovsk, 15‑18 Sept., 1981). Dnipropetrovsk, 1981, 75 (In Russian).
30. Pіddubniak O.P. Resonance scattering of a bounded acoustical beam by an elastic sphere in an acoustical medium. – Proc. of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences, 1982, Ser. А, No. 1, 49-52, bibl. 10. (In Ukrainian and Russian).
31. Pіddubniak O.P. Оn certain mathematical models of acoustic emission source in an elastic welded structures. - Automatical Welding (Kyiv), 1982, No. 9, 19-21, 30, bibl. 12. (In Russian).
32. Pіddubniak O.P., Yemets V.F. The Cauchy problem for the Laplace equation in an infinite n+1-dimensional layer. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Kyiv), 1982, No. 15, 13-15, bibl. 7. (In Russian).
33. Yemets V.F., Pіddubniak O.P. On axisymmetrical torsion of an elastic medium weaken by a plane circular crack. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Kyiv), 1982, No. 16, 98-101. (In Russian).
34. Dzyubachyk M.I., Pіddubniak O.P. Reflection and transmission of sound waves on a hollow circular cylinder. – In: Маterials of 8th Conference of Young Scientists of Institune for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics, UkrSSR Academy of Sciences. Section of Mechanics of Deformable Solids. Lviv, 1981. Deposited in VINITI 23.07.1982, No. 3952-83, 20-25, bibl. 6. (In Russian).
35. Pіddubniak O.P. Resonance scattering of a bounded acoustical beam by spherical nonhomogeneity in water. – In: Theses of the Proc. of 3rd Far-Eastern Acoustical Conference "Man and Ocean". Part 1. Vladivostok, 1982, 121-124, bibl. 7. (In Russian).
36. Pіddubniak O.P. Resonance interaction of directived sound beam with an elastic cylindrical shell. – In: The 3rd All-Union Symposium on Physics of the Acoustico-Hydrodynamical Phenomena and Opto-Acoustics (27-29 Oct., 1982): Theses of the Proc. Tashkent, 1982, 44. (In Russian).
37. Dykhta V.V., Pіddubniak O.P., Pidstryhach Ya.S., PozdeevV.А., Porokhovskyj V.V. Sound radiation from an elastic spherical shell in water initiated by an internal point source. – In: The 3rd All-Union Symposium on Physics of the Acoustico-Hydrodynamical Phenomena and Opto-Acoustics (27-29 Oct., 1982): Theses of the Proc. Tashkent, 1982, 51. (In Russian).
38. Pіddubniak O.P., Кunets Ya.I. Axisymmetrical torsion of an elastic half-space with an elastic washer. - Applied Mechanics (Kyiv), 1983, Vol. 19, No. 7, 66-70, bibl. 6. (In Russian).
39. Pіddubniak O.P. High-frequency asymptotic behavior of reflected and transmitted waves during scattering of sound by hollow elastic sphere filled with fluid. - Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Moscow), 1983, Vol. 47, No. 6, 823-830, bibl. 16. (In Russian).
40. Voloshyn O.R., Dzyubatchyk M.I., Pіddubniak O.P. Scattering of sound wave by an elastic ribbered cylindrical shell. – In: Меchanics of Non-Homogeneous Structures: Theses of the Proc. of the 1st All-Union Conference (Lviv, Sept. 6-8, 1983). Kyiv, 1983, 43-45. (In Russian).
41. Pіddubniak O.P. Nonstationary reflection and refraction of torsion wave on two-layered elastic sphere. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Kyiv), 1984, No. 19, 82-86, bibl. 8. (In Russian).
42. Pіddubniak O.P. Resonant scattering of acoustic waves by elastic spherical shell in fluid. – Acoustical Journal (Moscow), 1984, Vol. 30, No 1, 89-95, bibl. 21. (In Russian). [See also: Poddubnyak A.P. - Soviet Physics. - Acoustics (USA), 1984, 30, No. 1, 51-58].
43. Pіddubniak O.P. Resonance scattering of bounded sound beam by spherical and cylindrical objects. - Acoustical Journal (Moscow), 1984, Vol. 30, No. 3, 408-409. (In Russian).
44. Pіddubniak O.P. Spectral characteristics of echo-signal from a limit thin spherical shell in a fluid. - Izvestiya of USSR Academy of Sciences. Меchanics of Solids (Moscow), 1984, No. 6, 144-152, bibl. 21. (In Russian).
45. Pіddubniak O.P., Voloshyn O.R. Located action of a sound beam on an elastic cуlindrical shell. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Kyiv), 1984, No. 20, 82-86, bibl. 7. (In Russian).
46. Pіddubniak O.P., Voloshyn O.R. Scattering of a sound waves by circular cуlindrical shell stiffened by stringers. – Proc. of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences, 1984, Ser. А, No. 10, 45-47, bibl. 5. (In Ukrainian and Russian).
47. Pіddubniak O.P. Parametrical radiator of sharp-ended sound beams in a solid. – In: The 10th All-Union Scientific-Technical Conference “Nondestructive Physical Methods and Equipments of Testing”, Sept. 25-27, 1984. Lviv: Theses of the Proc. Book first. Моscow, 1984, 25. (In Russian).
48. Pіddubniak O.P., Кunets Ya.I. Non-classical problem of a torsion of an elastic composite containing thin-walled inclusion. – In: Non-Classical Problems of Mechanics of Composite Materials and its Constructions: Theses of the Proc. of the 2nd All-Union Seminar, Lviv, Sept. 1984. Кyiv, 1984, 56-57. (In Russian).
49. Pidstryhach Ya.S., Pіddubniak O.P., Porokhovskyj V.V., Zverev S.M, Dzyubachyk M.I., Yemets V.F., Voloshyn А.R. Certain new aspects of the investigation of acoustical signals scattered by deformable bodies in a water. – In: Problems of the Hydromechanics in the Familiazation of Ocean. Part 2а: Маterials of the 3rd Republican Conference оn Applied Hydromechanics. Кyiv, 1984, 40-41. (In Russian).
50. Маtus V.V.,  Pіddubniak O.P. Stepwise propagated crack as a source of the AE-signals. – In: The 1st All-Union Conference "Аcoustic Emission of the Materials and Constractions", Sept. 11-13, 1984. Соllection of the Theses of the Proc. Part 1. Rostov-on-Don, 1984, 6. (In Russian).
51. Pіddubniak O.P., Porokhovskyj V.V., Pozdeev V.А., Dykhta V.V. An elastic spherical shell radiation of the acoustical signal generated by an inner source. - Applied Mechanics (Kyiv), 1985, Vol. 21, No. 5, 97-102, bibl. 17. (In Russian).
52. Mishchenko V.O., Pіddubniak O.P. Рropagation of the weak and short waves in the nonlinear thermoelastic medium. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Kyiv), 1985, No. 22, 72-75, bibl. 5. (In Russian).
53. Dzyubachyk M.I., Pіddubniak O.P. Interaction of the acoustical waves with an elastic ribbed cylindrical shell. – In: Аctual Problems of the Mechanics of the Shell: Theses of the Proc. of the 2nd All-Union Workshop-Seminar of the Young Scientists. Каzan, 1985, 66. (In Russian).
54. Кunets Ya.I., Pіddubniak O.P., Dykhta V.V. Interaction of the acoustical pulses with the spherical resonator. – In: Improvement of the Computation and Experimental Methods of the Physical Processes Investigation: Theses of the Proc. of Conference. Mykolayiv, 1985, 91. (In Russian).
55. Pіddubniak O.P. Quasi-optical description of bounded wave beams in a nonlinearly elastic solid. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Kyiv), 1985, No. 22, 77-79, bibl. 3. (In Russian).
56. Pіddubniak O.P. Axisymmetric mixed problem of the thermoelasticity for the transversely isotropic body with a discked slit. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Kyiv), 1986, No. 24, 64-68, bibl. 8. (In Russian).
57. Pіddubniak O.P. Integral equations of the problem of the torsional of an elastic body with a thin disc-like inclusion. - Applied Mechanics and Mathematics (Moscow), 1986, Vol. 50, No. 4, 644-650, bibl. 23. (In Russian). [See also: Poddubnyak A.P. Applied Mechanics and Mathematics (USA), 1986, Vol. 50, No. 4, 492-497.]
58. Pіddubniak O.P., Voloshyn О.R. Analysis of spectral characteristics of sound field scattered by cylindrical shell stiffened by stringers. - Proc. of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences, 1986, Ser. А, No. 6, 23-27, bibl. 5. (In Ukrainian and Russian).
59. Yemets V.F., Pіddubniak O.P. Distant determination of geometry of the convex and rigid inclusions in solids. – Diagnostics and Predictions of Welding Constructions Fracture, 1986, No. 2, 49-52, bibl. 6. (In Russian).
60. Pidstryhach Ya.S., Pіddubniak O.P. Scattering of the sound beams from the elastic bodies of spherical and cylindrical forms. – Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1986. - 262 c., bibl. 437. (In Russian).
61. Pidstryhach Ya.S., Pіddubniak O.P., Mishchenko V.O. Formation parametrical excitated Gaussian wave beams in an elastic solid. - Proc. of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences, 1986, Ser. А, No. 7, 38-42, bibl. 11. (In Ukrainian and Russian).
62. Mishchenko V.O., Pіddubniak O.P. Investigation of non-linear wave beams localizated in the thermo-elastic medium. – In: Ways of the Secondary Recourse Utilization for Production of Building Materials and Wares: Theses of Proc. of the All-Union Meeting, 9-11 Oct. 1986. Chimkent, Kirghizia, 1986, 175-176, bibl. 3. (In Russian).
63. Pіddubniak O.P. Diffraction effects in focused Gaussian wave beams propagating in an elastic medium. - Izvestiya of USSR Academy of Sciences. Меchanics of Solids (Moscow), 1987, No. 5, 99-108, bibl. 20. (In Russian). [See also: Poddubnyak A.P. Mechanics of the Solids (USA), 1987, Vol. 22, No. 5, 93-101.]
64. Pіddubniak O.P., Dykhta V.V., Porokhovskyj V.V.Resonance properties of system: non-closed shellliquid medium. – In: Theory, Experiment, Practice of Dischardge-Pulse Technology: Collection of Scientific Works. Kyiv, 1987, 88-93. (In Russian).
65. Voloshyn O.R., Pіddubniak O.P., Porokhovskyj V.V. Acoustic wave interaction with cylindrical non-homogeneous structures. – In: Меchanics of Non-Homogeneous Structures: Theses of the Proc. of the 2nd All-Union Conference, Lviv, 2-4 Sept., 1987. Vol. 2. Lviv, 1987, 63-64. (In Russian).
66. Yemets V.F., Pіddubniak O.P. Inverse problem of acoustic waves scattering by empty convex shell. – In: Works of the 14th All-Union Conference on the Plate and Shell Theory. Vol. 1 (Kutaisi, Georgia, 20-23 Oct. 1987). Tbilisi, 1987, 516-523, bibl. 3. (In Russian).
67. Pіddubniak O.P. Differential equations of hydro-elastic vibrations of thin shell with obliquely fastened ribs. - Proc. of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences, 1988, Ser. А, No. 8, 33-37, bibl. 13. (In Ukrainian and Russian).
68. Pіddubniak O.P., Yemets V.F. The current state of the problem of interaction of acoustic beams with obstacles in a deformable medium. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Kyiv), 1988, No. 27, 56-64, bibl. 102. (In Russian). [See also: Poddubnyak A.P., Emets V.F. Journal of the Mathematical Sciences (Springer, New Jork), 1992, Vol. 62, No 1, 2548-2556.]
69. Pіddubniak O.P., Kunets Ya.I. Torsion of an elastic composite cylinder with a crack.Applied Mechanics (Kyiv), 1988, Vol. 24, No. 1, 19-24, bibl. 9. (In Russian). [See also: Poddubnyak A. P. , Kunets Ya. I. Torsion of an elastic composite cylinder with a crack. – Soviet Applied Mechanics (USA), 1988, Vol. 24, No. 1, 15-20].
70. Pіddubniak O.P., Porokhovskyj V.V. Scattering of a sound beam by a nondeformable sphere and cylinder. – Acoustical Journal (Moscow), 1988, Vol. 34, No. 5, 919-924, bibl. 3. (In Russian). [See also: Poddubnyak A.P., Porokhhovskii V.V. Soviet Physics. - Acoustics (USA), 1988, Vol. 34, No. 5, 529-532.]
71. Kunets Ya.I., Pіddubniak O.P., Dykhta V.V. Diffraction of acoustic pulses on elastic spherical resonator with a circular hole. – In: Electric Dischardge in Liquid and Its Application in the Industry: Theses of the Proc. of 4th All-Union Scientific-Technical Conference (Mykolayiv, Sept. 1988). Part 1. Mykolayiv, 1988, 126. (In Russian).
72. Pіddubniak O.P., Porokhovskyj V.V. Nonspecular reflection of a bounded sound beam from an elastic sphere in a liquid. - Acoustical Journal (Moscow), 1988, Vol. 35, No. 4, 732-737, bibl. 33. (In Russian). [See also: Poddubnyak A.P., Porokhhovskii V.V. Soviet Physics. - Acoustics (USA), 1989, 35, No. 4, 722-725.]
73. Pidstryhach Ya.S., Pіddubniak O.P., Porokhovskyj V.V. Non-specular reflection of a finite sound beam by an elastic circular cylinder in a liquid. – In: All-Union SymposiumInteraction of Acoustic Waves with Elastic Bodies (Tаllinn, 26-27 Oct., 1989): Short Theses of the Proc. Tallinn, 1989, 149-152, bibl. 5. (In Russian).
74. Pіddubniak O.P. Axisymmetrical mixed problem of thermo-elasticity for transversely isotropic solid with an outer crack. – In: Mixed Problems of Mechanics of Deformable Solid: The 4th All-Union Conference, 26-29 Sept., 1989: Theses of the Proc. 2nd Part. Оdessa, 1989, 55. (In Russian).
75. Pіddubniak O.P. High-frequency asymptotics of acoustic pressure in the finite wave beam scattering by an elastic sphere. – Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (Moscow), 1989, Vol. 53, No. 6, 931-938, bibl. 19. (In Russian).
76. Porokhovskyj V.V., Pіddubniak O.P. Spectral characteristics of the acoustic field pressure, scattered by a non-deformable body of revolution. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Kyiv), 1989, No. 30, 8-13, bibl. 8. (In Russian).
77. Yemets V.F., Mishchenko V.A., Poddubnyak A.P. Parametric excitation of finite acoustical beams in solids. - In: X International Conference “High Energy Rate Fabrication”, Sept. 18-22, 1989, Ljubljana, Yugoslavia: Proc., Ljubljana, 1989, 654-663, bibl. 8.
78. Pіddubniak O.P. Scattering of the focused Gaussian beams of the elastic waves by a spherical hole. – In: Modelling and Optimization of Complex Mechanical Systems: Collection of Scientific Works / Institute of Cybernetics of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences. Кyiv, 1990, 83-96, bibl. 11. (In Russian).
79. Dykhta V.V., Kunets Ya.I., Pіddubniak O.P. Axisymmetrical scattering of acoustic pulses by an elastic spherical shell with a hole. - Izvestiya of USSR Academy of Sciences. Меchanics of Solids (Moscow), 1990, No. 4, 141-148, bibl. 20. (In Russian). [See also: Dykhta V.V., Kunets Ya.I., Poddubnyak A.P. Mechanics of the Solids (USA), 1990, Vol. 25, No. 4, 150-157.]
80. Pidstryhach Ya.S., Pіddubniak O.P. Asymptotic analysis of back reflection of a finite sound beam by an elastic circular cylinder. - Proc. of the UkrSSR Academy of Sciences, 1990, Ser. А, No. 10, 47-51, bibl. 12. (In Ukrainian and Russian). [See also in: Pidstryhach Ya.S. Selected Works. Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 1995, 364-367. (In Ukrainian).]
81. Pіddubniak O.P., Porokhovskyj V.V. Diffraction of sound pulse on a spherical solid situated near bottom. - In.: Меchanics of Non-Homogeneous Structures: Theses of the Proc. of the 3rd All-Union Conference, Lviv, 17-19 Sept., 1991. Part 2. Lviv, 1991, 254. (In Russian).
82. Pіddubniak O.P. Wave beams interaction with obstacles in the liquid and solid elastic media / Theses of Doctor Dissertation of Physico-Mathematical Sciences; Institute of Problems of Mechanics of Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow, 1992. 32 p. (In Russian).
83. Horbal S.I., Pіddubniak О.P. Diffraction of sound on a spherical shell with a ring-shaped rib. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 1992, No. 35, 143-146, bibl. 8.  (In Ukrainian). [See also: Horbal S.I., Pіddubnyak О.P. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Springer New York), 1993, Vol. 67, No. 5, 2955-2958.]
84. Baysa V.D., Kunets Ya.I., Matus V.V., Pіddubniak O.P. Stationary vibrations of the two-layer stack with delamination. – Technical Diagnostics and NDT, 1993, No. 4, 30-35, bibl. 7. (In Russian).
85. Pіddubniak О.P. On the operator representation of the Greens functions of the dynamic theory of elasticity. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 1994, No. 37, 78-80, bibl. 4.  (In Ukrainian). [See also: Pіddubnyak О.P. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (USA), 1996, Vol. 79, No. 6, 1455-1457.]
86. Pіddubniak Оlexa. Two writings from black books of Vinnytsia castle. – Ukraina in Antiquis (Kyiv; Lviv), 1994, Vol. V, 137-155, 214. (In Ukrainian).
87. Pіddubniak О.P. Frequency characteristics of sound waves scattered by an elastic circular cylindrical shell with a slit along generating line. - Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1995, No. 9, 38-40, bibl. 3. (In Ukrainian).
88. Horbal Stepan, Pіddubniak Оlexa. Sound scattering from spherical shell, equatorially reinforced by an annular plate. - In: The 2nd Int. Symposium of the Ukrainian Engineers-Mechanics in Lviv: Theses of the Proc.: On the 150th Anniversary of the Lvivska Politechnika. Lviv, 4-6 May, 1995. [Lviv, 1995], 22-23. (In Ukrainian).
89. Pіddubniak О.P., Kunets Ya.I., Yemets V.F., Matus V.V. Some questions of acousto-diagnostics of the structural elements, slackened by the cracks. – In: Materials of the IInd Int. Symposium “Fracture Меchanics and Physics of Construction Materials and Structures”, 7-10 Oct., 1996., Lviv; Dubliany, 1996, 372-376, bibl. 3. (In Ukrainian).
90. Pіddubniak Оlexa. Dokumentary evidence of Tartars participation in internal quarrels of Braclavian regions gentry at the first quarter of the 17th century. - Ukraina in Antiquis (Kyiv; Lviv), 1996, Vol. VIII, 191-204, 237. (In Ukrainian).
91. Pіddubniak Оlexa. Document with Dmytro Vyshnevetzkyjs signet. – Znak (Lviv), 1996, No. 11 (March), 2-3. (In Ukrainian).
92. Pіddubniak О.P., Kunets Ya.I., Mishchenko V.O. On the problem of synthesizing an acoustic antenna with ideal directivity pattern. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 1996, Vol. 39, № 1, 87-90, bibl. 7. (In Ukrainian). [See also: Pіddubnyak О.P., Kunets Ya.I., Mishchenko V.O.  Journal of Mathematical Sciences (USA), 1997, Vol. 86, No. 2, 2596-2599.]
93. Pіddubniak О.P. Elastic equilibrium of a circular cylindrical shell with axial slit under inner pressure. – In: Boundary Problems of Thermo-Mechanics (Part II): Collection of Scientific Works Dedicated to the 60th Birth Anniversary of Professor Kolyano Ju.M. Кyiv, 1996, 60-63, bibl. 4. (In Ukrainian).
94. Pіddubniak Olexa, Matus Valeryi. Non-specular reflection of bounded acoustic beam from a porous half-space. - In: DIPED-97: Proc. IInd Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (Lviv, Sept. 15-17, 1997) / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT West Ukraine Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter. Lviv, 1997, 97-100, bibl. 3.
95. Pіddubniak O.P., Porokhovskyj V.V. Diffraction of a plane acoustic wave on an elastic sphere located near bottom. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 1997, Vol. 40, No. 1, 79-84, bibl. 4. (In Ukrainian). [See also: Pіddubnyak O.P., Porokhovskij V.V. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Springer New York), 1998, Vol. 88, No. 3, 391-395.]
96. Horbal S.I., Pіddubniak О.P. Effect of a stiffening ring plate on an acoustic field scattered by a thin spherical shell. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 1997, Vol. 40, № 3, 71-77, bibl. 12. (In Ukrainian). [See also: Gorbal' S.I., Pіddubnyak О.P. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Springer, New York), 1999, Vol. 96, No. 1, 2857-2863.]
97. Pіddubniak О. Total scattering cross-section of a nondeformable sphere partially insonified at a circular annular spot. - Archives of Acoustics (Warsaw), 1997, 22, No. 2, 281-290, bibl. 18.
98. Pіddubniak O.P. Influence of scanning of impulsive sound beams on generation of the wave backscatterind by a submerged elastic cylinder. - Proc. of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 1997, № 2, 83-88, bibl. 7. (In Ukrainian).
99. Pіddubniak Olexa, Porokhovskyj Vasyl. Non-specular reflection of a finite sound beam by an elastic hollow sphere. - In: Int. Research ConferenceModern Problems of Mechanics and MathematicsDeducated to the 70th Birth Anniversary of Ja.S. Pidstryhach and 25th Anniversary of the Institute Founded by Him, 25-28 May, 1998.: Маterials. Lviv, 1998, 101-102, bibl. 2. (In Ukrainian).
100. Piddubniak O.P., Piddubniak N.G. Improved evaluation of the resonance spectral parameters of sound scattering from the spherical thin elastic shell. - In: DIPED-98: Proc. IIIrd Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problem of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, Tbilisi, Nov. 2-5, 1998 / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT West Ukraine Chapter. Lviv; Tbilisi, 1998, 121-125, bibl. 5.
101. Krykun Mykola, Piddubniak Olexa. Маterials about action of the citizen and territorial courts of Braclav Palatine in the last quarter of the 16ththe first half of the 17th centuries in the archives of the Pisochynsky’s family. – In: Collection of Works and Materials on L.I. Kryshelnytzka’s honour / Lviv Stefanyk Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Lviv, 1998, 81-106. (In Ukrainian).
102. Krykun Mykola, Piddubniak Olexa. Маterials conserned with action of the citizen and territorial courts of Braclav Palatine from the last quarter of the 16th c. to the first half of the 17th c. in the archives of the Pisochynsky’s noble family. - Miscellanea Historico-Archivistica (Warsaw), 1999, Vol. 10, 123-150. (In Polish).
103. Piddubniak O.P., Piddubniak N.G. Spectral parameters of resonance sound scattering from a circular cylindrical thin elastic shell. - In: DIPED-99: Direct and Inverse Problem of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proc. IVth Int. Seminar/Workshop (Lviv, Sept. 20-23, 1999) / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT West Ukraine Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter. Lviv, 1999, 144-148, bibl. 4.
104. Krykun Mykola, Piddubniak Olexa. Маterials of the Pisochynsky noblemen as a source to the history of the Braclav Province of the last quarter of the 16ththe first half of the 17th centuries. – In: Manuscript Ucrainica in the Holdings of Lviv Stefanyk Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Problems of Creating Information Databases: Materials of the Int. Scientific and National Conference, Sept. 20-21, 1996 / Lviv Stefanyk Scientific Library of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Lviv, 1999, 418-422, 633. (In Ukrainian).
105. Piddubniak O.P., Piddubniak N.G. Back reflection of sound beam from an elastic cylinder at oblique incidence. - In: DIPED-2000: Proc. Vth Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problem of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, Tbilisi, Oct. 3-6, 2000 / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter. Lviv; Tbilisi, 2000, 131-136, bibl. 8.
106. Piddubniak O.P. Something from the experience of bibliographic work of scientist: (description of the structure of narrowly-special base of the primary sources with taking into account general scientific and out-of-professional tastes of the author). – Memoirs of Lviv Stefanyk Scientific Library (Lviv), 2000, Vol. 7/8, 233-254. (In Ukrainian).
107. Pіddubniak Olexa, Porokhovskyj Vasyl, Маtus Valery. Dynamic concentration of the stresses near a hole of non-canonical forms in an elastic half-space.In: Mathematical Problems of Mechanics of Non-Homogeneous Structures. Vol. 2 / Pidstryhach Іnstitute of Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Lviv, 2000, 158-161, bibl. 3.
108. Hrushevsky Mykhailo. History of Ukraine-Rus'. Vol. XІ: Index of names / Каpral Μ.М., Fedoruk Ja.O. (compilers); Dashkevuch Ja.R. (managing ed.); М. S. Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies of NANU; Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies of University of Alberta; Peter Jacyk Centre of Ukrainian Historical Research. – 2000. – 513 p. – (Sights of historical idea of Ukraine). – (Thematic laying out to VIII-3 and ІХ-2 volumes).
109. Piddubniak O.P. Reflection of focused Gaussian sound beam at a plane interface of unmoved-moved parts of acoustical medium. - In: DIPED-2001: Proc. VIth Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problem of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, Lviv, Sept. 18-20, 2001 / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter. Lviv, 2001, 159-165, bibl. 9.
110. Piddubniak O.P. (comp.) Calculation of opticо-mechanical sound-reproducing system of cine-apparatus: Мethodical istructions for the calculation and graphical work from the courseProjection of opticо-mechanical devices for the students of speciality 7.090901 “Devices of Precise Mechanics”. – Lviv: National University “Lvivska Politechnika” Publ., 2002. 23 p., bibl. 5. (In Ukrainian).
111. Piddubniak O.P. Acoustic fields generation by an elastic circular cylinder rotating about its axis with variable angular velocity. - In: Scientific Readigs, Dedicated to Academician Ja.S. Pidstryhachs memory (23-24 May, 2002) / Pidstryhach Іnstitute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Lviv, 2002, 10-11. (In Ukrainian).
112. Piddubniak Оlexa. Look in the past: From the history of Теplycian region. – Visti Teplychchyny (Teplyk), 2002, 14 Aug. (In Ukrainian).
113. Piddubniak O.P., Piddubniak N.G. Diffraction effects in two-dimensional Gaussian focused wave beam in a moved acoustical medium. - In: DIPED-2002: Proc. VIIth Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problem of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory, Tbilisi, Oct. 10-13, 2002 / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter, Lviv; Tbilisi, 2002, 158-163, bibl. 4.
114. Piddubniak Оlexa. Letters of Mykola Tchajkovsky to Antin Krushelnytzky. - Memoirs of Lviv Stefanyk Scientific Library of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Lviv), 2002, Vol. 9/10, 255-288. (In Ukrainian).
115. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia. Sound radiation by an elastic circular hollow cylinder rotated in air with a variable angular velocity. - In: Mathematical Problems of Mechanics of Nonhomogeneous Structures / Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Lviv, 2003, 355-358, bibl. 3.
116. Pakowski Zdzisław, Piddubniak Olexa, Głębowski Michał. Non-linear integro-differential equations of axisymmetrical drying of a shrinking porous circular cylinder of finite length. - In: 10th Drying Symp., Lodz, Poland, 17-19 Sept. 2003. Łódź, 2003, 181-189, bibl. 9. - (Text on CD; Abstract: chemeng.p.lodz.pl/xss/ podstawy.html)
117. Piddubniak O.P., Sound radiation by an elastic circular cylinder rotating around its axis with variable angular velocity. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 2003, Vol. 46, No. 3, 106-115, bibl. 21. (In Ukrainian).
118. Piddubniak O.P., Piddubniak N.G. Sound radiation by a hollow circular elastic cylinder rotated in water with a variable angular velocity. - Archives of Acoustics (Warsaw), 2003, Vol. 28, No. 4, 339-354, bibl. 14.
119. Piddubniak O. The class-genealogical structure of East-Podolien village of the second second half of the 18th century (on the materials of parish register of the village of Mala Mochulka in Vinnytsa’s province) // Materials of the Third Inter-regional Genealogical Conference “Ukrainian Pedigree”. - Lviv, 2003. – P. 320–329. (In Ukrainian).
120. Piddubniak Olexa. From depth of ages. -  Visti Teplychchyny (Teplyk), 2003, 3 Sept. (In Ukrainian).
121. Piddubniak Olexa. Under serf yoke. -  Visti Teplychchyny (Teplyk), 2003, 12 Nov. (In Ukrainian).
122. Piddubniak Olexa, Krykun Mykola. Toponymical objects of the Braclav Palatine of the last quarter of the 16ththe first half of the 17th centuries: (on the base of the Pisochynsky family archives). - In.: Historical Cartography of Ukraine: A Collection of Scholarly Papers / Branton University, Manitoba, Canada; Lviv Branch of Mykhailo Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. Lviv; Kyiv; New York: M.P. Kots Publ., 2004, 397-413.
123. Piddubniak Olexa. From Umania and Teplycia. - Visti Teplychchyny (Teplyk), 2004, 30 March. (In Ukrainian). - (Polands Year in Ukraine.)
124. Piddubniak Olexa, Pakowski Zdzisław. Determination of porosity of saturated solid using the effect of non-specular reflection of Gaussian sound beam. - Chemical and Process Engineering (Wroclaw), 2004, Vol. 25, No. 3/3, 1487-1493, bibl. 8.
125. Piddubniak Olexa. By thorny path: On history of the jubilee edition in 1929 year of Mykhailo Kotzubynskys storyShades of Forgotten Ancestors. – Dzvin, 2004, No. 11-12, 150-162. (In Ukrainian).
126. Piddubniak Olexa. On historical geography of Braclavia and Teplycia. - Visti Teplychchyny (Teplyk), 2004, 28 Sept. (In Ukrainian).
127. Piddubniak Olexa. On history of the jubilee edition in 1929 year of Mykhailo Kotzubynskys storyShades of Forgotten Ancestors”. - Visti Teplychchyny (Teplyk), 2004, 19 Oct. (In Ukrainian).
128. Piddubniak Olexa. The parish register of the Mala Mochulka as an archeographic source to the history of east-Podolien village of the second half of the 18th century. – Genealogical Memoirs of Ukrainian Geraldic Society (Lviv), 2004 Vol. IV, 59-68. (In Ukrainian).
129. Piddubniak O.P., Piddubniak N.G. Spectral characteristics of wave process in circular cylinder rotated in acoustic medium with a non-constant angular velocity. – In: DIPED-2005: Direct and Inverse Problem of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proc. Xth Int. Seminar/Workshop, Lviv, Sept. 12-15, 2005 / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter, Lviv, 2005, 223-229, bibl. 4.
130. Piddubniak O.P., Piddubniak N.G. Sound radiation by rotating porous cylinder. - In: DIPED-2005: Direct and Inverse Problem of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proc. Xth Int. Seminar/Workshop, Lviv, Sept. 12-15, 2005 / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter, Lviv, 2005, 230-236, bibl. 8.
131. Piddubniak Olexa. Spectral characteristics of porosity for a cylinder rotating at non-constant angular velocity. - In: 11th Polish Drying Symp., Poznań, Poland, 13-16 Sept. 2005. Poznań: Wyd-wo Politechn. Poznańskiej, 2005. – Abstracts: 73-74; Proceedings (on CD): 10 p.
132. Piddubniak Olexa. Spectral characteristics of porosity for a cylinder rotating at non-constant angular velocity. - Annual Review of Agricultural Engineering (Warsaw), 2006. - 5, No. 1, 51-58, bibl. 8.
133. Piddubniak O.P., Piddubniak N.G. Analysis of strain-stress state of circular cylinder rotating in acoustic medium with a non-constant angular velocity. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 2006, Vol. 49, No. 1, 198-207, bibl. 12. (In Ukrainian).
134. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia. Transition and resonance processes in the material of an acoustic rototron. - In: DIPED-2006: Direct and Inverse Problem of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proc. XIth Int. Seminar/Workshop, Tbilisi, Oct. 11-13, 2006 / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter Lviv; Tbilisi, 2006, 127-132, bibl. 6.
135. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia. Pulse radiation by acoustic rototron. - In: DIPED-2006: Direct and Inverse Problem of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proc. XIth Int. Seminar/Workshop, Tbilisi, Oct. 11-13, 2006 / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter Lviv; Tbilisi, 2006, 133-138, bibl. 6.
136. Piddubniak Olexa, Kohut Roman. Ukrainian engineer-metalurg Mykhailo Kornachevsky. - Mechanical Engineering (Lviv), 2006, No. 11-12, 41-43. (In Ukrainian).
137. Piddubniak Olexa (prepar. for press). Kornachevsky М. Reasons of the sudden breakage of pieces of the machines and constructions. – Mechanical Engineering (Lviv), 2006, № 11-12, 43-52. (In Ukrainian).
138. Piddubniak O.P., Piddubniak N.G. Transition processes in an elastic circular cylinder rotating about its axis in acoustic medium. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 2007, Vol. 50, No. 2, 120-128, bibl. 18. (In Ukrainian).
139. Piddubniak Olexa. Меchmath in retrospective review: Factory newspaper of Ivan Franko University of Lviv as source of mechanico-mathematical faculty history: 1948-1969 years/ Techn. Univ. of Lodz. – Lodz; Lviv, 2007. – 108+[18] p. (In Ukrainian).
140. Piddubniak Olexa, Ledakowicz Stanisław, Nowicki Lech. Ruch ciepła podczas rozkładu termicznego próbki ciała stałego w kształcie walca o skończonych wymiarach. – W: XIX Ogólnopolska konferencja inżynierii chemicznej i procesowej (3-4 wrzesień 2007, Rzeszów): Materiały konferencyjne. Tom I: Inżynieria chemiczna – procesy i aparaty. Rzeszów, 2007, 352-354, bibl. 4.
141. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia, Cichowicz Marta, Szymczak Anna. Sound radiation from many moving cars. - In: DIPED-2007: Direct and Inverse Problem of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proc. XIIth Int. Seminar/Workshop, Lviv, Sept. 17-20, 2007 / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter. Lviv, 2007, 25-32, bibl. 9.
142. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia. Spectral characteristics of wave processes in circular porous cylinder rotated in acoustical medium with a non-constant angular velocity. - In: DIPED-2007: Direct and Inverse Problem of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proc. XIIth Int. Seminar/Workshop, Lviv, Sept. 17-20, 2007 / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/­CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter. Lviv, 2007, 187-194, bibl. 14.
143. Piddubniak O.P., Piddubniak N.G. Axially symmetric sound radiation by rotating elastic hollow cylinder in air. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 2007, 50, № 4, 130-139, bibl. 12.
144. Krykun Mykola, Piddubniak Oleksij (collegerunt). Dokumenta palatinatus Braclaviensis annorum 1566-1606 / Societas Scientiarum Ševčenkiana. - Leopoli, 2008. – 1219 p.
145. Piddubniak O.P., Piddubniak N.G. Axially symmetric periodical wave processes in rotating elastic hollow circular cylinder surrounded by an acoustic medium. - Archives of Acoustics (Warsaw), 2008, Vol. 33, No. 3, 293-312, bibl. 30.
146. Krykun Mykola, Piddubniak Olexa. Маterials conserned with action of the citizen and territorial courts of Braclav Palatine from the last quarter of the 16th to the first half of the 17th centuries in the Pisochynsky’s noble family archives. - In: Krykun Mykola. Braclav Palatinate in the Sixteenth through Eighteenth Centuries: Studies and Source Materials. Lviv: Ukrainian Catholic University Press, 2008, 59-96. (In Ukrainian).
147. Piddubniak O.P. Stressed state of a circular hollow porous liquid-saturated cylinder rotating around its axis with constant angular velocity. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 2008, Vol. 51, No. 4, 152-162, bibl. 14. (In Ukrainian). [See also: Journal of Mathematical Sciences (Springer, New York), 2010, 167, No. 2, 182-196.]
148. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia, Karnicki Krzysztof. Acoustic echo-signal from a thin cylindrical shell with a slit. - In: DIPED-2009: Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proc. XIVth Int. Seminar/Workshop / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter, Lviv, Sept. 21-24, 2009. Lviv, 2009, 24-30, bibl. 10.
149. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia, Teodorczyk Tomasz, Abramczyk Jakub. Radiation of roadway noise in windy conditions. - In: DIPED-2009: Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proc. XIVth Int. Seminar/Workshop / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter, Lviv, Sept. 21-24, 2009. Lviv, 2009, 253-260, bibl. 15.
150. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia, Kurek Łukasz, Dujka Magdalena. Sound car radiation from city crossroad. - In: DIPED-2009: Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proc. XIVth Int. Seminar/Workshop / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Republic of Georgia Chapter, Lviv, Sept. 21-24, 2009. Lviv, 2009, 261-266, bibl. 6.
151. Krykun Mykola, Piddubniak Olexa. The Volynian manor of Lavryn Pisochynskyj (the acquision of the village Kunev and the protection of his ownership rights to it). - Socium: An Almanac of Social History (Kyiv), 2010, No. 9, 97-135. (In Ukrainian).
152. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia. Analysis of acoustical field radiated from two moving trains. - In: DIPED-2010: XVth Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proceedings.  Tbilisi, Sept. 27-30, 2010 / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Georgian Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter. Lviv; Tbilisi, 2010, 223-230, bibl. 10.
153. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia. Sound radiation from roundabout. - Archives of Acoustics (Warsaw), 2010, 35, No. 3, 437-456, bibl. 20.
154. Piddubniak OP. Reliability of devices: Conspectus of lectures. Part 1 / For the students of Institute for Computer Technology, Automatics and Metrology of speciality 7.090901 “Devices for Precise Mechanics”; National University “Lvivska Politechnika”. – Lviv: Lvivska Politechnika Press, 2010. - 83+[1] p. (In Ukrainian).
155. Piddubniak OP. Reliability of devices: Conspectus of lectures. Part 2 / For the students of Institute for Computer Technology, Automatics and Metrology of speciality 7.090901 “Devices for Precise Mechanics”; National University “Lvivska Politechnika”. – Lviv: Lvivska Politechnika Press, 2010. - 78+[2] p. (In Ukrainian).
156. Piddubniak O. P., Piddubniak N. G., Klimas M. The train sound radiation. - Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 2010, 53, No. 4. – P. 180-187, bibl. 14. [See also: Piddubniak O. P., Piddubniak N. G., Klimas M.  Train sound radiation. - Journal of Mathematical Sciences (USA), 2011, Vol. 172, No. 4, 520-528.]
157. Hrushevsky Mykhailo. History of Ukraine-Rus': Index of toponyms and ethnonyms /  Skochylyas I.B., Halak N.V. (managers); Dashkevych Ja.R. (scientific ed.); М. S. Hrushevsky Institute of Ukrainian Archeography and Source Studies of NANU; Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies of University of Alberta; Peter Jacyk Centre of Ukrainian Historical Research. – 2010. – 467+[1] p. – (Sights of historical idea of Ukraine). – (Participation in working with all volumes). (In Ukrainian).
158. Piddubniak Olexa, Ledakowicz Stanisław, Nowicki Lech. New approach to a problem of heat transfer with chemical reaction in a cylinder of finite dimensions. - Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, 2011, 54, No. 1, 338-344, bibl. 14.
159. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia. Sound radiation from piston in fluid cylinder of finite length. - In: DIPED-2011: XVIth Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proceedings.  Lviv, Sept. 26-29, 2011 / IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/EMC Georgian Chapter. Lviv, 2011, 186-192, bibl. 6.
160. Piddubniak OP. Reliability of devices: Conspectus of lectures. Parts 3-4: Reliability of system; Reliability of renevaled objects / For the students of Institute for Computer Technology, Automatics and Metrology of Speciality 7.090901 “Devices for Precise Mechanics”; National University “Lvivska Politechnika”. – Lviv: Lvivska Politechnika Press, 2011. - 83+[1] p. (In Ukrainian).
161. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia, Mądra Mariola. Sound radiation from roadway with a right-angle winding. - In: DIPED-2012: XVIIth Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proceedings. Tbilisi, Sept. 24-27, 2012 / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia; Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics NASU, Ukraine; IEEE MTT/ED/AP Georian Chapter; IEEE MTT/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter. Tbilisi, 2012, 188-194, bibl. 7.
162. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia, Midera Paulina. Sound radiation from airplane on the start. - In: DIPED-2012: XVIIth Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proceedings. Tbilisi, Sept. 24-27, 2012 / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia; Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics NASU, Ukraine; IEEE MTT/ED/AP Georian Chapter; IEEE MTT/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter. Tbilisi, 2012, 195-202, bibl. 8.
163. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia, Lis-Klimek Marta. Steady-state acoustic scattering by cracke pipeline. - In: DIPED-2012: XVIIth Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proceedings. Tbilisi, Sept. 24-27, 2012 / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia; Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics NASU, Ukraine; IEEE MTT/ED/AP Georian Chapter; IEEE MTT/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter. Tbilisi, 2012, 203-206, bibl. 9.
164.  Piddubniak О. P. Foundations of scientific researches (after E. Wilson): Conspectus of lectures. Parts I / For the students of Institute for Computer Technology, Automatics and Metrology of speciality 8.05100302 “Devices and Systems for Precise Mechanics” and 8.05100306 “Information Technologies in Devices Engineering”; National University “Lvivska Politechnika”. – Lviv: Lvivska Politechnika Press, 2012. – 81+[3] p. (In Ukrainian).
165. Kamiński Władysław, Strumiłło Paweł, Tomczak Elwira. Application of the artificial intelligence systems for solving of select atmospheric engineering problems / Commission for Environmental Engineering of Lodz Department of Polish Academy of Sciences; Transl. from Polish and sci. edition by prof. Piddubniak Oleksa. - Lodz, 2013. – 179+[1] p. (In Ukrainian) – (Kamiński Władysław, Strumiłło Paweł, Tomczak Elwira. Zastosowanie systemów sztucznej inteligencji w rozwiązywaniu wybranych problemów ochrony atmosfery / Komisja Ochrony Środowiśka Oddizału w Łodzi PAN. – Łódź, 2005. – 170+[2] s.)
166. Piddubniak O. P., Piddubniak NG. Sound radiation from aircraft during take-off run on runway. – Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 2013, 56, № 1, 115-126, bibl. 20. (In Ukrainian). [See also: Piddubnyak O. P., Piddubnyak N. H. Emission of sound by an aircraft during its take-off run along the runway. – Journal of Mathematical Sciences (USA), 2014, 201, 2, 136-151].
167. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia, Sujecki Krzysztof. Sound radiation from aircraft during takeoff. - In: DIPED-2013: XVIIIth Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proceedings. Lviv, Sept. 23-26, 2013 / Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics NASU, Ukraine; IEEE MTT/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter. Lviv, 2013, 28-35, bibl. 12.
168. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia, Brzozowska Sylwia. Analysis of acoustic echo-signal from gas pipeline with long crack. - In: DIPED-2013: XVIIIth Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proceedings. Lviv, Sept. 23-26, 2013 / Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics NASU, Ukraine; IEEE MTT/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter. Lviv, 2013, 219-225, bibl. 12.
169. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia, Krasnyk Oleksandr. Sound radiation from T junction of city roads. - In: DIPED-2013: XVIIIth Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proceedings. Lviv, Sept. 23-26, 2013 / Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics NASU, Ukraine; IEEE MTT/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter. Lviv, 2013, 226-232, bibl. 8.
170. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia. Analysis of spectral characteristics of sound waves scattered from a cracked cylindrical elastic shell filled with a viscous fluid. – Archives of Acoustics (Warsaw), 2013, 38, № 3, 335-350, bibl. 37.
171. Piddubniak O. P. Reliability of devices: Conspectus of lectures. Parts 5-6: Investigation of reliability; Reliability and safety / For the students of Institute for Computer Technology, Automatics and Metrology of speciality 8.05100302 “Devices and Systems for Precise Mechanics” and 8.05100306 “Information Technologies in Devices Engineering”; National University “Lvivska Politechnika”. – Lviv: Lvivska Politechnika Press, 2014. – 75+[1] c. (In Ukrainian).
172. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia, Pietrzak Weronika. Analysis of sound field on the autotraveling viaduct. – In: 2014 XIXth Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED): Proceedings, Tbilisi, Sept. 22-25, 2014 / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia; Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics NASU, Ukraine; IEEE MTT/ED/AP Georgian Chapter; IEEE MTT/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter. Tbilisi, 2014, 163-167, bibl. 7.
173. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia, Kusiak Katarzyna. Mathematical modeling of sound generation from Y junction of city roads. – In: 2014 XIXth Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory (DIPED): Proceedings, Tbilisi, Sept. 22-25, 2014 / Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia; Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics NASU, Ukraine; IEEE MTT/ED/AP Georgian Chapter; IEEE MTT/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter. Tbilisi, 2014, 168-173, bibl. 7.
174. Piddubniak О. P. Foundations of scientific researches (after E. Wilson): Conspectus of lectures. Parts II / For the students of Institute for Computer Technology, Automatics and Metrology of speciality 8.05100302 “Devices and Systems for Precise Mechanics” and 8.05100306 “Information Technologies in Devices Engineering”; National University “Lvivska Politechnika”. – Lviv: Lvivska Politechnika Press, 2014. – 119+[1] p. (In Ukrainian).
175. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia. Acoustic echo-signal from oil pipeline with a slit. – In: 2015 XXth Int. Seminar/Workshop on Direct and Inverse Problems of Electromagnetic and Acoustic Wave Theory: Proceedings, Lviv, Sept. 21-24, 2015 / Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems in Mechanics and Mathematics NASU, Ukraine; Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/CPMT/SSC West Ukraine Chapter; IEEE MTT/ED/AP/AMC Georgian Chapter. Lviv, 2015, 175-178, bibl. 6.
176. Piddubniak O. P., Piddubniak NG. Sound radiation from aircraft during take-off. – Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 2015, 58, № 3, 71-82, bibl. 31. (In Ukrainian). [See also: Piddubniak O. P., Piddubniak N. H. Radiation of sound during the takeoff of an aircraft. – Journal of Mathematical Sciences (USA), 2017 226, № 2, 89-103].
177. Piddubniak O. P. Reliability of devices: Conspectus of lectures. Supplement: Bibliography for reliability and durability / For the students of Institute for Computer Technology, Automatics and Metrology of speciality 8.05100302 “Devices and Systems for Precise Mechanics” and 8.05100306 “Information Technologies in Devices Engineering”; National University “Lvivska Politechnika”. – Lviv: Lvivska Politechnika Press, 2015. – 162+[2] p. (In Ukrainian).
178. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia. Mathematical modeling of sound radiation from a T junction of city roads in windy conditions. – Archives of Acoustics (Warsaw), 2016, 41, № 3, 546-558, bibl. 30.
179. Piddubniak О. P. Foundations of scientific researches (after E. Wilson): Conspectus of lectures. Parts IІI / For the students of Institute for Computer Technology, Automatics and Metrology of speciality 8.05100302 “Devices and Systems for Precise Mechanics” and 8.05100306 “Information Technologies in Devices Engineering”; National University “Lvivska Politechnika”. – Lviv: Lvivska Politechnika Press, 2016. – 158+[2] p. (In Ukrainian).
180. Piddubniak Olexa, Piddubniak Nadia. Mathematical modelling of noise around a Y-shaped windy road. – Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2017, 52, Dec., 672-688, bibl. 44.
181.  Krykun Mykola, Piddubniak Oleksa. Documents on potassium trade between the Bratslav Voivodeship and Gdansk in the first quarter of the XVII century. – Drohobych Regional Studies, 2017, Vol. XIX-XX, 359-374. (In Ukrainian).
182. Piddubniak O. P., Piddubniak N. G. Sound radiation from vehicles on the right-angle bend in the road. – Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 2017, 60, № 1, 116-131, bibl. 16. [See also: Piddubniak O. P., Piddubniak N. G. Sound radiation from vehicles on the right-angle bend of the road. – Journal of Mathematical Sciences (USA), 2019, Vol. 240, No. 2, 141-161]
183. Piddubniak O. P., Piddubniak N. G. Scattering of frequency-modulated sound pulse on circular cylindrical thin elastic shell with a slit. – Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 2017, 60, № 4, 152-161, bibl. 13. [See also: Piddubniak O. P., Piddubniak N. G. Scattering of frequency-modulated sound pulse on circular cylindrical thin elastic shell with a slit. Journal of Mathematical Sciences (USA), 2020, Vol. 247, No. 1, 191-201].
184. Antin and Maria Krushelnytsky. Faithful confession of life: Correspondence / Ordering, introduction, notes and pointers of Piddubniak Oleksa. – Bila Tserkva: Publisher Olexandr Pshonkivsky, 2018. – 1196+[2] p. (In Ukrainian).
185. Moszyński Kazimierz. Bila Tserkva’s steppe (Perepet’s field) / From Polish translation by Piddubniak Oleksa. – Bila Tserkva: Publisher Olexandr Pshonkivsky, 2018 – 85+[3] p. In Ukrainian).
186. Piddubniak О. P. Foundations of scientific researches (after E. Wilson): Conspectus of lectures. Parts IV / For the students of speciality 152.02 of Institute for Computer Technology, Automatics and Metrology “Devices and Systems for Precise Mechanics” and 8.05100306 “Information Technologies in Devices Engineering”; National University “Lvivska Politechnika”. – Lviv: Lvivska Politechnika Press, 2019. – 102+[2] p. (In Ukrainian).
187. Piddubniak O. P., Piddubniak N. G. Non-stationary temperature distribution in a thermally insulated concentric cylindrical channel with biomass moving under the influence of rotation of electrically heated helix. – Mathematical Methods and Physicomechanical Fields (Lviv), 2021, 64, № 1, 107-123, bibl. 31. (In Ukrainian). [See also: Piddubniak O.P., Piddubniak N.G. Nonstationary temperature distribution in a thermally insulated concentric cylindrical channel with biomass moving under theinfluence of rotation of an electrically heated helix. – Journal of Mathematical Sciences (USA), 2023, Vol. 274, No. 5, 708-729].
188. Ledakowicz Stanisław, Piddubniak Olexa. Analysis of non-stationary temperature field generated by a shaftless screw conveyor heated by Joule–Lenz effect. – Chemical and Process Engineering, 2021, 42, № 2, 119–137, bibl. 27.
189. Piddubniak Olexa, Ledakowicz Stanisław. Modeling of heat transfer from an electrically heated rotating helix in a circular cylindrical channel filled with a biomass moving at a constant velocity. – Thermal Science and Engineering Progress, 2022, 30, 101265, 1-10, bibl. 28.  
191. Krykun Mykola, Piddubniak Oleksa, Vinnychenko  Oleksij (collegerunt). Dokumenta palatinatus Braclaviensis 1607-1648: Ex archive Pisoczynsciorum / Societas Scientiarum Ševčenkiana. – Leopoli; Vinnycae, 2022. – lxvii+1022+[2] p.  
192. Piddubniak O.P., Żyłła R., Polischuk O.S., Skyba M.Ye., Lisevich S.P., Karetnyi S.B. Heat pumps and their application / Khmelnytskyi National University. – Khmelnytskyi, 2023. – 146+[2] p., bibl.47. (In Ukranian).
193. Ledakowicz Stanisław, Piddubniak Olexa. Temperature distribution in a finite-length cylindrical channel filled with biomass transported by electrically heated auger. – Energies, 2023, 16, 6260, 1-28, bibl. 25.